Born in S.E.London into a large very artistic family and although
achieving educational prizes and qualifications for art, was channelled into an academic, grammar school education. Although successful it never satisfied a creative instinct and it took several years to settle into a fitting career.
After many false starts in various occupations and having learned many new skills whilst doing so, he used them to start and run a successful business, although not art based was able to use artistic skills within the work. It left no time for his real ambition i.e. painting but determined to use his natural ability for 50 years kept a large quantity of oil paints collected as a child. Finally in 2004, free from business constraints started to paint in earnest. Immediate success through a local gallery spurred him on and resulted in an explosion of creativity which continues today, and now with orders coming from around the world produces many paintings encompassing a variety of styles and subjects. Most of his life has been spent in rural areas and is inspired with ideas from nature and from the heart, using music as a background while at work.